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I'm Elizabeth (my friends call me Liz) and I help people see the adventures in life.
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My sister will be the first to tell you I avoid at all costs watching the movie It’s a Wonderful Life. In my journey I have been blessed to work with several coaches who inspired me. One thing they had in common: they all recommend It’s a Wonderful Life. My mind is thinking how can I reconcile this? The greatest people who have accomplished some of the very things I want love a movie I struggle with?
My sister and I were talking about the irony of it the other day. She noted that I was afraid having an average life would be okay. I think that is what it is. I think I believe that if I give myself grace and really enjoy the present moment I am “giving up” and “settling”. Oh that last word is difficult.
I was pondering the other day; beating myself up and not exploring other options but the “one pre-defined” path of my success hasn’t really gotten me very far. This pre-defined path was set years ago and I never questioned whether it was what I wanted or what would get me attention. The things that have accelerated me far are the things I would consider extra or not as important. Perhaps I have the weight of importance on things in my life switched around. Perhaps the arrow should point do what I love > dreams come true instead of dreams come true > do what I love.
Anyway back to It’s a Wonderful Life one of the key parts is George Bailey realizing how important he was to people’s lives. I had a chance to go to a play by The Dancer Project. It had been awhile, probably 18 months since I had really seen any of the parents. I had several mom’s come up to me and say hi and say how their daughters had missed me. I was floored mostly by the people I thought would not have remembered me or cared. One woman said her daughter came up all excited that I was back in the studio. The mom told me her daughter came up to her all excited that she saw me and saw that I was back.
For tips and updates follow me on Insta @mackenzieisla
Carrot cake I love pie marzipan wafer icing halvah. Danish cupcake shortbread muffin... Read my full story
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