Day 4: (Keep Going)
Well, I might have slightly gone off track on days 2 and 3 and that is okay. I figured on day 2 I could eat some chocolate and perhaps some other items. Day 3 I decided to order Chipotle which was delicious and good for me. I just got a little sidetracked.
The key thing I learned is to keep going.
A piece of advice that recently sank in from one of my coaches on her program: don’t restart it after a break; just pick up where you left off. Normally I would have completely reset and restarted but I am going for these 6 weeks (about 1 and a half months). It’s okay if the path looks a little different than I originally intended. The goal is to be 105 on June 21st. How I get there and if I get there early is okay. I keep going and adjust as needed.
This morning was a reset. I am again focusing on the protein aspect. Both my bags of Equip protein powder have arrived. I once told my sister that if I could do a cleanse it would consist of eggs, avocadoes, and grass-fed beef. Now the next best thing would be protein powder from grass fed beef, so I have got all the things I need.
I decided to switch paths and concentrate on the healing of my body; so gentle exercises like Pilates. I’ve also decided to try twice daily sauna sessions and 2 vibration plate sessions to heal the body before introducing anymore stress. My body is a beautiful thing and deserves my kindness and support. I have always wanted to be able to do this type of cleansing and this is my opportunity. I am so grateful for it. It also reminded me of something my coach said:
Think about the things you once dreamed of having that are now everyday occurrences. It brings a lot of perspective.
For example my recent Hawaii trip.