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I'm Elizabeth (my friends call me Liz) and I help people see the adventures in life.
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I was reading Hebrews 11. There is a portion where the author is talking about several examples of faith. “Enoch was taken up so that he would not see death.” I have been contemplating designing a course and I have been thinking a lot of what I would like to include in it. One thing came to mind as I have been working through the actuary exams and the struggle of not quite being where I want to be or think I should be by now. Perhaps I can encourage and enlighten others who may be working through a similar situation. I was thinking this morning for my course that there is always another way to accomplish goals for things to happen.
The verse about Enoch being taken up was a perfect example of “another” way. Then another thought came in and said well that is just one occurrence Enoch was special. But what if this is an example of what is possible and the only occurrence that is written down. This shows that there is always another way beyond our wildest thought capacity. What if just what if the example was here to demonstrate what is possible. What if there are other occurrences of this and I am not aware of them. I am being cautious to say we as it is possible others are aware of additional occurrences.
It is a different perspective. As I am studying for my actuary exams I think the area it is helping to expand is a different way of thinking; new neural pathways. That in of itself is valuable. The ability to form new ways of thinking is the intangible benefit that sits behind this designation. I was struggling to see okay if I go through all this trouble to change my thinking then I will have to pursue the FSA, ACAS, FCAS, etc. In order for there to be a purpose to this struggle. I think the purpose may be the new way of thinking that opens up other areas of my life.
For tips and updates follow me on Insta @mackenzieisla
Carrot cake I love pie marzipan wafer icing halvah. Danish cupcake shortbread muffin... Read my full story
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